Club 19 is a group of business people who enjoy playing some of the best private golf courses, every month on courses like NSW, Concord, Monash, Terrey Hills, Manly, Avondale and The Lakes.
Club 19 was incorporated as an Association in 1993 and promotes friendship and camaraderie in the enjoyment of the game of golf on an amateur level.
Club 19 is the ideal way to entertain corporate clients as members can invite guests.
The club also hosts three golf trips away each year; The Gold Coast in April, Mornington Peninsula in Nov and an international trip most years in February or March.
Membership is restricted to 185 members.
All members must have an affiliated AGU handicap either through Club 19 or their home club.
Golf days are normally held midweek once a month. The cost of the golf day averages approximately $180 which includes green fees, a light lunch and three course dinner or occasional barbecue with wine.
Prizes are distributed to the winners of the day at the presentation dinner/drinks.
The Club welcomes both male and female members, and the membership profile embraces a wide spectrum of competencies - We do stipulate that members must have knowledge of the game of golf and its rules and regulations.
Club 19 operates as a non-profit entity. Surplus funds accumulated are returned to members – either directly, through the subsidising of events, or similar means.
The Committee meets every two months to organise activities, take the necessary administrative decisions, and manage the Club’s finances.
At your first Club 19 event you will be required to play in a foursome with one of the Committee members. Your application for membership will be considered at the next committee meeting.